Supporting Host Communities and Refugees is at the core of BDC’s mission, vision, and goals. In alignment with SDGs 1, 8, 10, and 11, BDC’s projects are dedicated to leveraging the economic status and improving the livelihoods of Jordanians and Syrian refugees, both in camps or urban settings. Our work with host communities in all Jordanian governorates has supported more than 9,500 Syrian refugees and community members in entering the labour market with customised training programmes, career guidance, and job matching services. BDC is also providing host and refugee communities with entrepreneurship and micro-business development trainings, coaching and mentoring promoting skills exchange, joint ventures, and initiatives to achieve financial independence, increasing social cohesion, and fostering sustainable and inclusive socioeconomic growth. In Zaatari, Azraq, King Abdullah Park, and Emirati-Jordanian refugee camps, BDC runs the operations of 20 Makani centers, 3 youth centers, 6 playgrounds and 34 education facilities, in which Syrian children and youth have access to learning opportunities and protected safe spaces amongst other services.
Supporting Host Communities and Refugees
Key Projects
This pillar is aligned with the below sdgs

This pillar implemented in partnership

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